


What colleagues said


Recent Performance Reviews


No pressure to express any praises or compliments.

They were written anonymously* in the recent performance review.

“Critical, straightforward, and detail-oriented. He’s not afraid to be wrong, and that’s one of the mentalities we need in the company.”

Almanda Arumdari, Product Manager

“A truly dedicated team member with great critical thinking, and as a result, Kelvino has consistently displayed a high level of performance in his works.”

Mario Effendy, Senior UX Writer

“Critical when reviewing designs. He is also great to talk to and able to answer any question in a timely manner.”

Sergio Rusli, Head of Design

“Straightforward. He always strives for efficiency, at the same time, never forgets to celebrate his team members’ achievements and is genuine about it.”

Andrea Stefanny Saputra, Lead Product Researcher

“Extremely critical and always questions every aspect. Kelvino has such a strong foundation of knowledge in product and design. ”

Leonardo Budi, Senior Product Designer

“Always been reliable and helpful. Assertive whenever other stakeholders are in need.”

Shirly Yustana, Product Manager

“Awesome critical thinking. He can communicate his ideas well and find the best approach to maximize our potentials. I have learned so much from him.”

Angger Dillah, Product Researcher

“Straightforward and unafraid to express his opinion. Accommodating and organized. He makes sure everything is in line and often comes up with interesting solutions.”

Melinnie Angela, Senior Product Illustrator

“Kelvino is an inspiration to all of us with his extraordinary critical thinking. He is consistently focused and is never afraid to do the right things. He is brilliant in strategic planning. He always helps us to find great ways to solve problems effectively. I consider myself to be lucky to have such a great manager, someone I can always rely on and trust.”

Cathlin Lengkong, Senior Product Designer

“Straight to the point, which makes his point is easy to be grasped without the need to second-guess. Every feedback is also provided with a strong reasoning. Above all, I learned from him if I believe in something, I have to fight for it instead of being a yes-man.”

Ade Andreansyah, Product Designer


*The identities were traced back for the contents of this page and some adjustments were made only to make them more succinct.